Wednesday 30 April 2008

The Importance of the ratting in the stock market’s performance

The stock market in Brazil in this first semester of the year, would be one of the less profitable possible investment in the country into yesterday. But today, Standard and Poors classified Brazil with the investment rate and changed completely this situation. Link:valor

Bovespa would present into April 29th a loss of 0.1% in the 4 firsts months of 2008. Although, after S&P announcement, Bovespa presented the best result of all kinds of investments so far, giving as return 6,23%.(against 3,55% of the national bonds and 3,5% of fixed founds).

These results just shows how important are the ratings for investors and stocks. A simple change in the rating can change the result of the market in few seconds, even if the market continue in the same way, valorising even more the process and source of information.

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